Tour the Galilee, the Golan, Tsefat and all of ISRAEL

December 9, 2010

Shalom! Are you looking for an experienced guide for the Golan Heights and Israel’s north? Let me offer my services. I live up here in the Golan and will take you for a trip you’ll never forget.

Golan, Galil, Northern Israel

your guide: Yehuda Geller

We’ll tour and sightsee. We’ll learn Jewish history, see beautiful views, touch plants and fruits connected to the Jewish holidays, explore an ancient synagogue and taste some of the delicious Golan wines. We’ll visit Israeli communities visit local craftsmen at work on unique Golan products: shofars, ceremics, olive wood, jewelry and more. We’ll have fun hopping across a Golan stream, take a swim in a cool Golan spring, and have some adventure on a short (or long) nature hike.

You’ll learn the ancient and modern history of Israel and we’ll connect to Jewish sources. My tours will take you to all of the special places you’ve heard about and then we’ll get off the beaten path – by car, foot or jeep to some places you’ll want to remember forever.

My tours cover all of Israel’s north as well – Safed, Tiberias, Rosh Hanikra and everything in between.

Contact me and we’ll begin planning your trip up north.


telephone: 972 4 6762242        mobile: 972 545 462242

Lehitraot – See you in Israel
Yehuda Geller


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