Otzar Eretz Yisrael

January 23, 2011

אוצר ארץ ישראל

אוצר ארץ ישראל

יסודות וחקר – ארץ וחוצות
הרב ישראל אריאל – מכון המקדש

ארץ ישראל לגבולותיה ולמצוותיה
מנהר מצרים עד הנהר הגדול נהר פרת
עם תוספת מאות מפות, ציורים וצילומים

כרכים א’ וב’

אוצר ארץ ישראל

לחץ להזמין במחיר מבצע

Golan Heights Guide

January 2, 2011

Would you like to hike the Golan Heights, visit an ancient synagogue, taste some delicious local wines and learn the history of Israel’s north?

Yehuda Geller can be your Golan Heights Guide for a trip you’ll never forget. Enjoy the view from the Golan Heights of the sparkling waters of the Sea of Galilee, the snow capped Hermon Mountain and the fertile orchards and vineyards. As your Golan Heights Guide I will take you to visit vibrant Israeli villages where local craftsmen create wonderful art and Judaica and produce delicious organic food products. Now is the time to visit the Golan Heights.

The jeep picks us up in Jerusalem, and we drive East, driving down into the Jordan Rift Valley.  As we clear the last ridge, we stop for a panoramic view of the Dead Sea and the Mountains of Moab.


everyone can enjoy this

At Mitzpe Dragot we leave the asphalt and start a challenging jeep trail through the Northern Judean Desert.

We stop frequently for amazing overlooks from the top of the last line of peaks above the Dead Sea, enjoying a panorama reaching from Jerusalem in the West to Jordan in the east, as well as several short hikes.

When we arrive at Nahal Mashash, Itamar divides up the equipment among us, and teaches us the simple rudiments of rappelling.  Less than an hour later, we are all in mid-air, working our way down the tall, dry waterfalls, securely harnessed and observing all the safety rules we learned!  Our youngest was a little hesitant at first, so made the first descent roped in tandem with our guide- but the rest she is doing on her own- to her great pleasure!  What photos and videos I got of the family that day!!

After a refreshing dip in a fresh running spring, we dug in to a great picnic (all Kosher).

Last attraction was a visit to Kumran, where we saw the caves of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the excavated village of the Essenes.

Finally, back to Jerusalem- tired but full of exciting experiences!

Email us for information!


Shalom! Are you looking for an experienced guide for the Golan Heights and Israel’s north? Let me offer my services. I live up here in the Golan and will take you for a trip you’ll never forget.

Golan, Galil, Northern Israel

your guide: Yehuda Geller

We’ll tour and sightsee. We’ll learn Jewish history, see beautiful views, touch plants and fruits connected to the Jewish holidays, explore an ancient synagogue and taste some of the delicious Golan wines. We’ll visit Israeli communities visit local craftsmen at work on unique Golan products: shofars, ceremics, olive wood, jewelry and more. We’ll have fun hopping across a Golan stream, take a swim in a cool Golan spring, and have some adventure on a short (or long) nature hike.

You’ll learn the ancient and modern history of Israel and we’ll connect to Jewish sources. My tours will take you to all of the special places you’ve heard about and then we’ll get off the beaten path – by car, foot or jeep to some places you’ll want to remember forever.

My tours cover all of Israel’s north as well – Safed, Tiberias, Rosh Hanikra and everything in between.

Contact me and we’ll begin planning your trip up north.


telephone: 972 4 6762242        mobile: 972 545 462242

Lehitraot – See you in Israel
Yehuda Geller


There are many challenging adventures including snepling in the North of Israel, with different levels of difficulty, such as: the Keshet Cave (Ma’arat HaKeshet), Yehudiya stream (Nachal / Nahal Yehudiya), Kedumim Quarries (Machsevot Kedumim), and the site which is considered the most challenging: the Nakik HaShachor (Black Canyon).

Snapling Wild Waterfalls!
The Black Canyon (Nakik Shachor) is the most exciting site in Israel for snapling in rushing water, but in the winter cold water temperature makes this impossible. A good substitute for water snepling in winter is Nachal Rachaf (Nahal Rahaf) in the Judean Desert (Midbar Yehuda), though in the middle of the Winter it is cold there as well.

The secret of the Emahot (Matriarchs) Rachel and Leah!

14 And Reuben went in the days of wheat harvest, and found mandrakes in the field, and brought them unto his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to Leah: ‘Give me, I pray thee, of thy son’s mandrakes.’

15 And she said unto her: ‘Is it a small matter that thou hast taken away my husband? and wouldest thou take away my son’s mandrakes also?’ And Rachel said: ‘Therefore he shall lie with thee to-night for thy son’s mandrakes.’

16 And Jacob came from the field in the evening, and Leah went out to meet him, and said: ‘Thou must come in unto me; for I have surely hired thee with my son’s mandrakes.’ And he lay with her that night.

We also went out into the fields at the fertile time of the wheat harvest (between Pesach and Shavuot),

the time when the world is pregnant, and just waiting to deliver the fruits of it’s womb,
gathered the fully ripened fruits of the Dudaim (Mandrakes),

The sun ripened fruit of the wild Mandrake.

and carefully extracted and cleaned the seeds.

cleaned and dried Mandrake seeds

From the time of the Avot and Emahot:
mutual respect, commitment, affection, love, closeness,
planting the seed, conception, pregnancy, full term, and the joy of birth.

for more information about the seeds of the Mandrake, their properties and how to obtain them:


Unique Bat Mitzvah gift!

February 15, 2009

Hand crafted silver pendant showing the three places that were purchased in the name of all of Israel:

Beit HaMikdash (The Holy Temple) in Jerusalem

Ma’arat HaMachpelah (The Cave of the Patriarchs) in Hebron

Kever Yoseph (Joseph’s Tomb) in Shechem.

click for more info

click for more info

Made by the Ayash Family, silversmiths from Yitzhar

davidayashcan be mailed anywhere in the world, comes in an elegant, gift box and with a card.

For more details, see the website:


Looking for a meaningful gift?
Surprise your family and friends with unique creations,
while helping support pioneering families in the Shomron!

click to view website

click to view website


Israel Jeep Tours

October 17, 2008

Map of Jeep and 4wd tours in Israel

Map of Jeep and 4wd tours in Israel

Jeep and 4wd trails across Israel!

A new resource on the http://www.ashdot.info site:

interactive map of jeep and off road trails and tours all across Israel!

From the Galilee and Golan to Machtesh Ramon.

Also offered:  snapling, rappelling, zip-lining and other extreme attractions.

English speaking guides!  Special programs for Bar Mitzva or Bat Mitzva.

experience Israel- an unforgetable adventure!

experience Israel- an unforgetable adventure!

Judaica Jewelry from Israel

September 8, 2008

How to beautify a Mitzvah… which is already beautiful?

Jewish wedding ring- hand crafted!

Jewish wedding ring- hand crafted!

High in the mountains of Samaria, David and Maayan Ayash create unique Judiaica items from silver and gold- wedding rings, kiddush cups and saucers, mezuzah holders, embroidery, segulot and much more.

See their online showroom for examples, but the real thrill will be ordering your own unique design!

Judaica Jewelry